About Me

This section could also be titled “Why should I read this blog?” Who is Michael Kivisto and why is he writing? Why should I care? What qualifies him to write a blog?

My answer to that is that I’ve had a lot of unique experiences in my life.  I’ve been a lot of places, done a lot of things, and met a lot of people.  And wherever I go, I attract the very best and very worst people there – they just find me.

So I have a lot of stories.  I like to tell them to friends and strangers alike and people seem to enjoy them.  Over the years I’ve reflected on my experiences and formed deep opinions on the world and the people in it.  I like to share those too.

My day job is as a computer scientist, but I’ve also been a DJ and an English teacher.  I’ve had my writing published and have sold a few of my paintings.  I’ve been to 55 countries, and lived in Spain.  I play guitar and piano.  I have run a marathon.  I am an Eagle Scout.  I’m a husband and father.

I’m a philosopher.  A thinker.

And what I think right now is that we as a people are too divided.  I believe we have much more in common than not.  I have a lot of opinions on that and want to write it down, to share with friends and strangers alike.

So, why should you read this blog? Who am I and why should you care about what I write?

I can’t tell you that.  You have to decide.  Read these posts and make up your mind.  Who am I? What is this?